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Coaching Investors

Performance as an investor starts with generating returns for clients. If that wasn’t difficult enough, many investors are trying to achieve this whilst leading a team and engaging with clients, skills which may not have received the same attention as the actual act of investing. Coaching Investors helps hone these skills.

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Goldcrest Partners is expert in coaching investors. Our coaches are investors and have personal experience of the role and a clear understanding of what it takes to succeed.

Asset management is well-known for its challenging environment where investors are under pressure to perform. This requires the ability to evaluate investment opportunities and navigate market conditions with assurance in the face of economic uncertainties, market volatility and geopolitical gyrations.

Performance Mindset

Doing this well demands a high level of both emotional and financial intelligence combined with some focused effort to round out skills. Often, ‘on the job’ experience and learning from more senior colleagues goes some way to achieving this. However, this process can be accelerated for rising stars, and the existing performance of mature investors enhanced, through targeted work with expert coaches throughout a career.

Goldcrest Partners offers our Coaching Investors service as an individually tailored, 6-9 month, one-to-one engagement for senior investors, or on a cohort basis where a group of 10-12 of your rising stars can work through the modules sequentially over a 9-12 month period interspersed with some one-to-one coaching to personalise the content. Both approaches give access to our team of experienced investor coaches.

The 5 areas of focus we consider when Coaching Investors are what we believe to be critical to long-term success:

Investment Skill

Generating returns for clients is the single most important element of an investor’s role. This skill takes years to develop and benefits from continuous learning through understanding ourselves, how we think, how we respond to pressure, and ultimately, our identity as an investor.

Investment Teamwork

It will come as no surprise that it is rather more common than hoped for investment leaders to have a deficit of leadership skills. Most leaders are promoted due to being excellent investors and then asked to run a desk or lead a team with limited training or experience. Good leadership requires a whole new skill set, that is not only different from that of an investor but, on occasion, seems diametrically opposed! 

Growing Assets

Growing funds under management is a key part of an investor’s role. Engaging with existing clients and winning new ones is a skill that stands apart from the act of investing and benefits from specialist coaching to enable us to build our asset base. 

Building Resilience

Recognising that investing is an ‘infinite game’ with no off-season is a key realisation to performing sustainably. We believe being resilient is not just about resisting pressure or bouncing back but see it as something to be nurtured all the time to enable us to perform when it matters. 

Adapting to Change

In a world of constant change, navigating the terrain and adapting to new circumstances is a core skill. There are significant secular and cyclical changes impacting parts of the asset management industry and these external factors having significant consequences to the internal landscape of organisations. 

Honing our skills as an investor at any time of our career is time well spent. Crucially this not only means the act of investing but also the associated skills that are essentially to optimise our success.

Coaching Investors Case Studies

Senior investor coaching to help better navigate the organisation

The individual was an experienced and highly valued individual contributor who was having a negative…

Senior investor coaching to support investment teamwork

The individual was an experienced investor who had been promoted to head of strategy

Senior investor coaching with a focus on investment skill and resilience

Senior investor coaching to support investment teamwork.
Performance Mindset

How to be at your best

Achieving peak personal performance doesn’t have to follow the well-trodden pathways. This article explores some…

The inner game of tennis – how it can help off court

Every year, we see the latest champions of Wimbledon crowned – an achievement that is…

Personal sustainability & renewal

Being successful in financial services can reap many rewards but the environment is often highly…

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