Goldcrest Partners is expert in working with a range of best-in-class psychometrics and diagnostics, which we combine with our role specific leadership and performance competency frameworks to understand both the person and the professional capability

Customised coaching
At Goldcrest, we make full use of diagnostics and our bespoke, role specific competency frameworks to guide coaching engagements and achieve great outcomes for the individual and the organisation.
At an individual level, talent acquisition and development focuses on better understanding the uniqueness of the individual. What makes us do what we do, where our motivations lie, how we are affected by stress and pressure, our limitations and where we can hone and develop our existing and potential strengths.
In the context of talent acquisition, the profiling and assessment of short-listed candidates, helps to better understand ‘what lies beneath’ in terms of how someone might behave generally at work as well as cope with stress. Although initial Interviews typically authenticate the technical skills and career history of the candidate, unique personality traits, preferences and motivations are less reliably observable but more likely to tell us how they will deploy their technical competence.
In the context of talent development, we integrate behavioural profiling and assessment into most of our coaching engagements. Whether this be a personality assessment, a round of 360 interviews, reference to a role specific competency framework, or a particular tool that is relevant to role, getting this data on table in the early phase of the process is invaluable. The insight generated by this activity is a valuable component of the coaching process and helps to focus attention on the priority areas to stretch the individual and achieve personal and organisational goals.
In addition to these specialist individual profiling and assessment capabilities, Goldcrest Partners’ has a niche expertise supporting your SMCRs with the behavioural and leadership elements of the FCA approval process.
Profiling for Individuals Case Studies

Profiling for Individuals Insights