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About Goldcrest Partners

Goldcrest Partners works with global financial service companies that believe people are their most important asset.

Making a Difference

Goldcrest Partners collaborates with you to deliver a tailored solution that optimises the performance of your organisation, teams and individuals.

Our aim is to deliver meaningful outcomes that help you establish a sustainable competitive advantage that benefits your people, your clients and your impact.

Your People

In an age of increasing challenges demanding organisational change, the part your people play in your success is more important than ever.

Goldcrest Partners works with you to develop the capacity of your leaders, teams and individuals so they are prepared to tackle whatever the future holds.

Help your clients achieve their financial goals

Your Clients

Positive experiences of your performance, processes and communication not only help your clients achieve their goals, but also create a solid foundation for a productive long-term partnership.

This matters because your clients are changing. As new demographics become the consumers of your services, what they value, how they engage and why they choose you is different to previous generations.

Your Impact

Financial service providers are vital to our economies, societies and lives. It is well recognised that the industry has a hugely important role to play in a rapidly changing world..

How your organisation evolves and adapts to deliver a positive impact to a broad group of stakeholders will determine your commercial and social success.

The Goldcrest and the Golden Eagle – a fable for our times

As relevant today as when first spoken, the story of the Goldcrest and the Golden Eagle invites us to explore how we perform, collaborate and lead.

An ancient myth describes the story of the Goldcrest and the Golden Eagle, respectively the smallest and the largest birds in the forest.

The Golden Eagle challenged all the other birds to see who could fly highest but they declined apart from the Goldcrest.

With the contest underway, the Golden Eagle started to climb, rising higher and higher, trying harder and harder as it reached the zenith of its powers.

Then, just as the Golden Eagle paused weightless at its peak before the long descent, the tiny Goldcrest popped out from under a feather on the nape of the bigger bird’s neck and, with a few quick flaps of its tiny wings, reached an even greater height.

Like all good myths, the story of the Goldcrest and the Golden Eagle asks us lots of questions

Why did the Golden Eagle lay down the challenge?

Why did the other birds not participate?

What was the Goldcrest’s motivation to take part?

What happened next?

Our Guiding Principles

Goldcrest Partners uses four core pillars to underpin our work with clients.

Mutual trust & respect

True partners

mutual trust & respect

Forward Thinking

Forward thinking

fit for the future

Specialist expertise

Specialist expertise

understand your context

Meaningful impact

Meaningful impact

make a difference

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