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Global Working

Understanding how to communicate and influence across multiple cultures and how to build deeper working relationships across time zones are some of the challenges of modern teamwork.

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Goldcrest Partners can help your Global teams align, collaborate and perform together to achieve your business. We can also work with your global leaders to help them develop the skills necessary to excel in a global role.

Success as a global leader requires that additional structure and purpose be applied to all aspects of team engagement, especially the nature and frequency of team communication. Global leaders must also be adept at harnessing diverse cultural norms and expectations.

Developing your teams to perform at their best and collaborate

Global teams are, by definition, dispersed across multiple time zones and where cultural differences between team members can be pronounced. Understanding the impact of these differences and how to leverage them is a specialist set of skills.

At Goldcrest Partners we believe that there are 3 useful things to consider when thinking about how to maximise the effectiveness of Global Working:


The need to belong is part of the human condition. When people are co-located, social groups form naturally, especially when they have a shared culture. Affinity to a group enhances discretionary effort and collaborative behaviours. To achieve this, global leaders must be deliberate and purposeful in building a cohesive team dynamic – one that creates social glue, connectivity and allows for healthy conflict. 

While collaborative online tools have improved greatly in recent years and should be exploited to the fullest, in-person events remain beneficial. This is particularly true when forming a new senior team or taking on a significant opportunity or challenge. Given face-to-face events are costly and infrequent they should be designed for maximum impact.     


Co-located teams benefit significantly from the constant informal exchange of information – ‘water cooler chat’. Global leaders must provide clear, frequent and meaningful team communications that reinforce a shared vision and effectively maintain alignment. Global leaders must also work with peers and other business units to ensure that dispersed team members remain effectively connected to and supported by the broader organisation.  

For communications to land as intended and produce the desired response, global leaders must recognise and accommodate the cultural norms and expectations of the entire team. 


The effectiveness of global teams is greatly enhanced when the logistical challenges (of time and distance) are minimised by creating a high-trust environment through appropriate delegation, supporting local autonomy and empowerment. Failure to delegate decision rights effectively results in inefficient and low-trust teams and ultimately frustrated, disengaged team members. Where Head office approval is an appropriate measure, the decision process must be swift and transparent. 

How global leaders respond to occasional (non-systemic) issues is also critical. Individual issues should be treated as learning opportunities – can we improve our systems, processes, or training? — not as an excuse to reduce or remove delegated authorities.

Global Working Case Studies

Building a global team in private equity

Our client was a fast-growing mid cap private equity house with global offices. They had…

Design and facilitation of a global working conference in investment banking

The client wanted to bring together all its managing directors from across Europe for its…

Globalising an Asset Management Business

A UK Asset Management firm with an international presence planned to grow further and, in…

Harnessing healthy conflict for team growth

When it comes to teamwork, conflict often gets a bad rap. In the fifth of…
Global collaboration

Strengthening high performing teams with social glue

Here, in the fourth of our series “7 Conditions for a High Performing Team”, we…

Connectivity: The catalyst for team brilliance

Having a well connected team that is comfortable and confident to lean on each other,…

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