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People form teams and teams form organisations. Working with your individuals creates an opportunity for them to step away from the day-to-day routine and reflect on their own leadership, professional performance and personal development.

Goldcrest Partners is expert at working with your key contributors one-to-one to provide as a thinking partner and coach to fulfil individual potential for organisational success.

Leadership Advisory

CEO Advisory

It can be lonely at the top. When leading an organisation, the opportunity to confidentially discuss important matters with a trusted and independent partner is a valuable alliance to forge.

Goldcrest Partners works with CEOs to provide this sounding board, stimulate fresh thinking and improve individual and organisational outcomes.

Performance Mindset

Professional Coaching

Professional Coaching focuses on identifying the key criteria for success in your specific role and enables you to develop the skills necessary to fulfil your potential. We address both the leadership capabilities of those on the pathway to organisational responsibility and the performance capabilities of senior individual contributors who are looking to get better at the specialist role they perform.

Goldcrest Partners works with individuals who make an important leadership and performance contribution by combining cutting-edge coaching approaches with first-hand industry experience to focus on the small changes that make a big difference.

Personal Coaching

Personal Coaching

Careers in financial services are high pressured. Combine that with life’s ups and downs and there will be moments when more support is required. Personal coaching supports the whole person in service of the professional goal.

Goldcrest Partners supports those who are looking to build resilience to enable sustainable performance and navigate the career and life challenges that inevitably arrive from time to time.

Individuals Insights

How to have a successful career transition

As we move from one chapter to the next there is a natural process of…

Why you need a thinking partner

It can be lonely at the top. When leading an organisation, function or region, the…
Performance Mindset

How to be at your best

Achieving peak personal performance doesn’t have to follow the well-trodden pathways. This article explores some…

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