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7 conditions for a high performing team

To the casual observer, high performing teams can look almost effortless, with a sense of collaboration and cohesion, ease and authenticity that just clicks. Every person understands their role, the goal, and is fully engaged in the team’s effectiveness.

Teams | High Performing Teams

At its essence, a high performing team is one where the whole is more than the sum parts.

But achieving this status doesn’t happen by happy accident and requires dedicated attention.

So what if we applied the same strategy, research and analysis to optimising the operation of our teams as we do to the service of our clients? How would that look?

Goldcrest Partners co-founder, Tim McEwan, using his experiences of teamwork during his career in the British Army, has identified 7 conditions that he believes are essential to success. They are:

  1. Trust
  2. Vision and alignment
  3. Autonomy and empowerment
  4. Social glue and mutual understanding
  5. Healthy conflict
  6. Connectivity
  7. Learning

Altogether, the conditions offer a systemic framework to pull together individual brilliance into collective power, allowing each team to define for itself what high performance looks like and the journey to get there. As a process, it’s intensive, but the results are compelling.

To begin implementing the high performing team framework, read our series of pieces exploring each condition, starting with trust – which you can read here.

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