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Bringing together the 7 conditions of a high performing team

Creating a high performing team is essential not only for the team’s own success but for the overall success of its entire organisation. As we have explored, the following 7 essential conditions must be met to ensure optimal team performance: trust, vision & alignment, autonomy & empowerment, social glue, healthy conflict, connectivity, and continual learning.

Teams | High Performing Teams

Vitally, they must all be present for a team to be truly high performing.

No single condition must be left out. Each one is interconnected and interdependent on all others. None will ever thrive in isolation. For instance, consider healthy conflict. Having a constructive debate would be difficult without trust or social glue. These conditions complement and strengthen each other so they can be leveraged far more powerfully.

Ensuring all these conditions are present within a team is not an easy task. Nor is it a quick one. There are several challenges that a team leader or manager could meet along the way while trying to nurture and cultivate such an environment. For example, employees may be resistant to taking more responsibility for their work, or some may struggle to maintain their efforts towards continual learning.

But the rewards that all these 7 conditions cultivate cannot be underestimated, which is a hugely motivating factor for leaders. There are many practical steps and strategies that leaders can use to foster trust, promote healthy conflict and instil all other conditions mentioned in this series of insights.

If you’re a leader, Goldcrest Partners can help you identify and implement those steps so that you can build and sustain a high performing team that is incredibly successful. While many of our tips and ideas are part of an ongoing process, the long term benefits such as increased competitiveness, improved employee retention and better success at meeting targets make the effort worthwhile.

Interested? Contact us so we can start setting up your 7 point high performing team model framework to ensure your team’s success.

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