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Network of Teams

Effective cooperation and collaboration within an organisation is vital to efficient and effective execution. Different teams tend to have different knowledge pools, priorities and personalities. Enabling them to work well together is a challenging, but rewarding accomplishment that pays huge dividends.

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Goldcrest Partners can help your team align, collaborate, and perform together to achieve your business goals.

Teams are always different, constructed with diverse components and often spread across various locations. While we learn a great deal from the world of sports teams, it’s rare for business teams to enjoy the single focus or common location that sports teams have. After all, to play a game of football or hockey, all the players need to be physically present.

Developing your teams to perform at their best and collaborate
  1. Are often geographically dispersed
  2. Have multiple stakeholders
  3. May have multiple outputs
  4. May be multi-generational
  5. Work in a matrix of other teams
  6. The whistle doesn’t blow at the end of the day

The best organisations get the most out of their teams when they are connected in an effective network within the business. A network of teams:

• Encourages close strategic alignment ensuring that all teams are pulling in the same direction together.

• Communicates and collectively problem solves, so execution of strategy becomes effective and timely.

• Creates strong relationships, mutual trust and dynamic followership to get the best out of the team members.

• Encourages understanding of one another’s challenges and environments, so our contexts can be understood and taken into account.

• Develops robust processes and workflows which are challenged to be appropriate, proportionate and deliver the strategy.

A high performing network of teams is rare, but impactful, and always worth the effort.

How to build a high performing network of teams

Time together

To be truly well networked teams benefit from spending meaningful time together; getting to know each other, sharing what they actually do and discovering each others goals, challenges and ways of working. It is perhaps surprisingly common for teams that need to collaborate with each not to understand each other and how they can work together for mutual success. For teams to work well this understanding of each other and interdependencies is an essential foundation.

Open and honest communication

The network of teams need to know how things are going with one another, they need to know if there is going to be a problem in the flow of work in the process for any reason, and they are happy to take collective responsibility to solve problems flexibily and effectively.

Alignment behind a common goal

When team goals are aligned, the collective power of the teams can be immense and harnessed to deliver great outcomes. In a strong team, alignment is clear and constantly reinforced.

Efficiency and Adaptability

Smooth functioning is essential to efficient working and when complemented with adaptability to change is a powerful combination. To be both efficient and adaptable, teams benefit from being well connected, open and resilient. This enables pace of progress and agility to the change our industry demands of us.

Network of Teams Case Studies

Effective hybrid working for a digital bank

The client was a US-based digital bank and card service provider that was improving its…

Integrating culture post-acquisition

The client was a FTSE 250 asset manager, UK-based but highly acquisitive globally.

Connecting siloed teams

The client was a US bank.  It had traditionally worked in regional and teams where…

Harnessing healthy conflict for team growth

When it comes to teamwork, conflict often gets a bad rap. In the fifth of…
Global collaboration

Strengthening high performing teams with social glue

Here, in the fourth of our series “7 Conditions for a High Performing Team”, we…

Connectivity: The catalyst for team brilliance

Having a well connected team that is comfortable and confident to lean on each other,…

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