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Our Services

Goldcrest Partners provide global financial services clients with a range of high-quality specialist solutions.

We focus on the sector because you do.

Goldcrest Partners is expert in leadership, strategy, culture, teams, coaching, and assessment services.

Your organisation relies on the qualities of your leaders to ensure it functions effectively


Your culture, leadership and strategy determine whether your organisation functions effectively. So what is your culture, how do your people lead and are you heading in the right direction? Our services help clarify this.

We help you to hone your organisational thinking and create the environment that allows people to thrive, develop the leadership skills to get the most from themselves and others, and ensure that you successfully achieve your organisational goals.

The balanced leader

Leadership Capability

Leadership is an art, not a science and there is no single way to lead. Things change. All the time. Leaders need to respond to the situation in the most effective way.

Goldcrest Partners works with your current leaders to develop the skills, behaviours and mindsets that improve immediate performance and with your and future leaders to prepare for succession.

Strategic Advisory

Strategy Execution

The financial services industry is experiencing a seismic shift which presents a significant challenge to traditional business models. Trends in technology, regulation and customer expectations dictate that companies offer a different service in a different way.

Goldcrest Partners combines future fit leadership approaches with innovative strategic thinking to help your leaders re-evaluate the purpose, products and processes you offer.

Winning Cultures

Cultural Alpha

Culture is not that set of values displayed on the wall. Those are aspirations not reality. Culture is the intangible guide to how things get done around here and all organisations have one whether they want one or not.

Goldcrest Partners can help you understand your existing culture, how it is helping and hindering your business and explore how to make conscious changes that improve your performance.

Organisations Insights

Why balance is the key to successful leadership

Sticking to one leadership style will never get the most out of your organisation.
Leadership capability

Leading through adversity

When you’re going through tough times, keep going and don’t panic!
Strategic Advisory

Is your business strategy fit for the future?

The strategic question for asset managers is how to respond to changing commercial realities and…
Developing your teams to perform at their best and collaborate


Teams are the building blocks of your organisation. How well they perform and work together is key to success.

Good teams, well led, make good businesses. We can help you optimise their effectiveness.

High performing teams

High Performing Teams

High performance does not happen by happy coincidence. It is the outcome of a deep understanding of what enables teams to be at their best and ongoing practice to put it into action.

Goldcrest Partners is expert at helping optimise your teams to improve performance and execute your business strategy more effectively.

Hybrid teams

Network of Teams

Effective cooperation and collaboration between teams within an organisation is vital to efficient and effective execution. Different teams tend to have different knowledge pools, priorities and personalities. Enabling them to understand each other and work well together is a challenging, but rewarding accomplishment that pays huge dividends.

Goldcrest Partners can help your teams align, collaborate, and perform together to achieve your business goals.

Global Collaboration

Global Working

Understanding how to communicate and influence across multiple cultures and how to build deeper working relationships across time zones are some of the challenges of modern teamwork.

Goldcrest Partners can help you successfully navigate global working by overcoming the common obstacles and establishing effective approaches.

Team Insights

The power of networks

The power of our network is all about taking what we know and raising it…

How to shape your company culture in a hybrid working environment

Organisations can let events shape their culture, or they can shape it proactively – here’s…
High Performing Teams

7 steps to leading a high-performing team

There’s a tangible feeling when a team is at peak performance.
Coaching individuals to fulfil their potential and achieve career goals


People form teams and teams form organisations. Working with your people individually creates an opportunity for them to step away from the day-to-day routine and reflect on their own leadership, professional performance and personal development.

Leadership Advisory

CEO Advisory

It can be lonely at the top. When leading an organisation, function or region, the dilemmas you face and the decisions you make are more important than ever. Talking things through with a trusted, experienced and independent partner can have a profound effect on the quality of your actions and how you feel about them.

Goldcrest Partners has deep experience working with senior executives in a CEO Advisory capacity.

Performance Mindset

Professional Coaching

Professional Coaching focuses on identifying the key criteria for success in your specific role and enables you to develop the skills necessary to fulfil your potential. We address both the leadership capabilities of those on the pathway to organisational responsibility and the performance capabilities of senior individual contributors who are looking to get better at the specialist role they perform.

Goldcrest Partners customise the engagement to the individual and organisational objectives with a laser focus on meaningful outcomes for all.

Personal Coaching

Personal Coaching

Careers in financial services are high pressured. Combine that with life’s ups and downs and there will be moments when more support is required. Personal coaching supports the whole person in service of the professional goal.

Goldcrest Partners can be a valuable resource for those who are looking to develop resilience in role or guidance while transitioning into another. Taking time to reflect, consolidate and refocus can boost wellbeing, confidence and professional satisfaction.

Individuals Insights

How to have a successful career transition

As we move from one chapter to the next there is a natural process of…

Why you need a thinking partner

It can be lonely at the top. When leading an organisation, function or region, the…
Performance Mindset

How to be at your best

Achieving peak personal performance doesn’t have to follow the well-trodden pathways. This article explores some…

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