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CEO Advisory

Discover how Goldcrest Partners is helping global financial services clients to reach their full potential, future-proof their businesses and allow their people to thrive.

The client was the CEO of a regional bank. They were looking for independent leadership support and advice.  Initially the focus was around issues relating to their team and some particular people challenges alongside some personal development areas around communication and confidence in professional authority.

The initial engagement was for a 12-month term, on a retained basis for ½ day per month. The engagement was primarily online due to location, with periodic in-person meetings. Over time, the scope of the work grew from team and leadership topics into matters of strategy and engagement. 

In addition, we started to work with the wider team in a facilitation capacity, and given we were in different countries, planned regular in-person gatherings where we could make the most of being in-person.

The client found the relationship to be of significant value. They have successfully resolved their team issues, stepped more fully into the authority of their role and are operating at a more strategic level in the business.

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