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Professional Coaching

Discover how Goldcrest Partners is helping global financial services clients to reach their full potential, future-proof their businesses and allow their people to thrive.

The client was a senior partner of a US-based private equity firm. The brief was to support their transition from co-lead to sole lead of a significant investment strategy. The areas of focus included handing over deals to the others in the team, challenges with the team structure, and how to empower and engagement of their own direct reports.

The engagement was a 9-month executive coaching relationship with a focus on developing the next level of leadership skills to succeed in the new role. It included a detailed 360-degree process of interviews with critical stakeholders (both internal and external) followed by one-to-one coaching sessions.  Given the geography, these were all held virtually, and when the coach and the client occasionally were in the same country, they made the most of the face-to-face opportunity.

The client found the engagement to be valuable. Providing support at a time of change, insight about areas of strength and development, and the tools to take their leadership to the next level.

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