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High Performing Teams

Discover how Goldcrest Partners is helping global financial services clients to reach their full potential, future-proof their businesses and allow their people to thrive.

The client was the senior leadership team of an asset management business. Following the global pandemic, several changes had taken place with some leavers and joiners. The business faced significant headwinds and needed to ensure the leadership team addressing the challenges was as tight and high performing as possible.

Our solution was to run a high-performing team workshop for the group over a two-day offsite. We balanced the offsite to address the team’s characteristics, strengths, and gaps, with strategic discussion of the macro challenges. We used our proprietary ‘Conditions for High Performing Teams’ checklist as the basis of the gap analysis.

The process was a resounding success. The value of bringing the team together was palpable in the enthusiasm and joy at genuine human connection after such unnatural separation. Feedback from the CEO following the event described the team being more connected and aligned than ever, demonstrating strong examples of leadership and teamwork that were beginning to positively shift the organisational culture in the right direction.

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