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Network of Teams

Discover how Goldcrest Partners is helping global financial services clients to reach their full potential, future-proof their businesses and allow their people to thrive.

The client was a FTSE 250 asset manager, UK-based but highly acquisitive globally. Recent acquisitions were an operational and financial success but the cultural integration was proving a challenge. There was urgency to address this issue as client surveys reported it was impacting their experience. The task was to unify the organisation and build a network of connections between these different tribes. There were multiple areas of focus and a need to be efficient considering the time pressure.

We began by creating 12 cross-functional cohorts of peers from right across the business (legacy and new business areas). We gathered these groups for two-day offsites over 18 months to build a cohesive network of teams. The work addressed:

  • The business case for better integration and collaboration
  • How high-performing teams and organisations work and how we benchmark
  • Self-assessment psychometrics to understand our individual approach to collaboration
  • Relaxation time and activities to build stronger relationships, deepen mutual understanding, share knowledge, and build social glue.

The Outcome

There was initial reluctance from some, which we acknowledged and worked with, and pockets of enthusiasm, which we leveraged as the early adopters of change. As time went on, the group largely unified as initial fears were proven unfounded and the benefits of the process were recognised.

After 18 months, the results were terrific. Most participants were aligned and committed. This led to new networks of relationships, better communication and collaboration, and improved client experience.

Many years later now, several cohorts still meet for an annual reunion, such was the strength of the bonds forged.

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