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Professional Coaching

Discover how Goldcrest Partners is helping global financial services clients to reach their full potential, future-proof their businesses and allow their people to thrive.

The client was a NASDAQ listed asset manager who were looking to support a high potential leader as they transitioned from one functional area to another. There was a degree of organisational stress present due to market and competitive conditions, which needed navigating with assurance.

The engagement was a 9-month executive coaching relationship with a focus on letting go of subject matter expertise, building resilience, addressing team dynamics, influencing for change with peers, and developing strategic leadership skills. The meetings were a mixture on in-person and online as best suited and the engagement.

The client found the experience to be very positive with both the sector expertise of the Goldcrest Partners coach and their understanding of a diverse range of relevant topics standing them apart from other coaches. The relationship continues with an extension to enable continued support as the client is considered for promotion.

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