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CEO Advisory

Discover how Goldcrest Partners is helping global financial services clients to reach their full potential, future-proof their businesses and allow their people to thrive.

The client was the CEO of a significant global real estate business.  The organisational structure meant that there were limited opportunities for conversations of a particular quality to take place internally and the CEO recognised they were missing an independent sounding board to talk things through and clarify their thinking.  They were looking for specific support and advice around the cultural challenges in the business and succession planning.

The engagement was for an initial term of 12 months on a retained basis for 2 days per month, covering regular one-to-one meetings and additional behind the scenes work on specific topics at the principal’s instruction.  The relationship encompassed conversations with the wider executive committee to understand the context and complexity, and presence at important meetings to observe dynamics in action.

The intensity of an engagement of this nature varies with periods of significant involvement followed by phases of less frequent meetings. Throughout the engagement our Goldcrest CEO Advisor was ‘on-call’ to support with any issues as they arose.

The principal found the relationship to be hugely valuable, that it provided them with the forum they were seeking and brought clarity to their decision making.

The Goldcrest CEO Advisor was able to bring to bear the full range of our knowledge and services to help the CEO to tackle issues across the organisation, making positive changes to culture, leadership and teamwork.

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