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Network of Teams

Discover how Goldcrest Partners is helping global financial services clients to reach their full potential, future-proof their businesses and allow their people to thrive.

The client was a US-based digital bank and card service provider that was improving its hybrid working model and seeking to address the leadership and teamworking challenges that come with this way of working. The client had a well-resourced and effective internal talent development function who had implemented a firmwide programme of ‘Team Days’, which were monthly in-person whole department mini-conferences that brought people together, allowed individual team time, and provided central presentations and learning for the c. 500-strong departments.

The engagement was to provide specific masterclasses pertinent to hybrid working, including high performing teams, leading through adversity, the power of networks, the benefits of followership and how to put them into practice.

We participated in a series of the ‘Team Days’ to ensure consistency of experience across the firm.

The Outcome

Client feedback was good. The talent development team were pleased to be able to outsource some elements of the programme to an external provider to help manage their workload. The participants found the masterclasses informative and engaging. The business operates a highly effective hybrid working model in large part due to how well they have developed their people.

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