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Personal Coaching

Discover how Goldcrest Partners is helping global financial services clients to reach their full potential, future-proof their businesses and allow their people to thrive.

The client had received a significant promotion at a large European asset manager and sought support to help them succeed in the new role. They needed to elevate contribution to a strategic level, establish effective ways of working with new peers and manage a heavy workload alongside other demands on their time and energy.

A Goldcrest coach with considerable experience working with COOs engaged with the client for a 12-month term to support the transition. Our approach was holistic with a primary focus on stabilising personal resilience before developing the leadership habits that the new role demanded. Themes of the coaching included managing anxiety, addressing perfectionism and procrastination, building confidence, setting boundaries and developing a more strategic perspective.

The client found the engagement to be an invaluable support during their transition before deciding that the new role was not right for them. The benefit of the coaching and learnings from the in-role experience have enabled the client to pursue a different opportunity that better suits them.

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