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Professional Coaching

Recovering resilience and investment performance

The individual was a top performing long-only equity portfolio manager who experienced the first extended period of underperformance in their career. Goldcrest were asked to help the individual recover personal resilience, explore the currently held investment philosophy and process for investment decision making process and rebuild for the future.

A Goldcrest coach with experience working as a portfolio manager engaged with the client for a 6-month term. The assignment began with an alignment meeting with the investment team head to understand the organisational context, individual development areas and desired outcomes. The personality psychometric was used to generate self-awareness, particularly at times of stress, alongside an emotional intelligence diagnostic to develop further insights in service of the individual’s personal resilience, interpersonal relationships, and investment decision making.

Work on boundaries and renewal activities boosted wellbeing and enabled a re-framing of performance goals through the lens of inputs to stabilise and build resilience. Reformulated approach to investment philosophy, process and decision making introduced more recognition of uncertainty and agility, and improved investment performance.

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