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Profiling for Teams

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The client was a small asset management firm whose executive committee had only recently come together as a team.  The brief was to profile the team to raise awareness of one another, build stronger relationships and increase their speed to effectiveness.

The engagement used a psychometric tool and the Goldcrest 7 Conditions for High Performing Team diagnostic as part of a team workshop.

The psychometric tool was Lumina Spark for personality, which provided the team with a deep understanding of themselves and each other. It was the catalyst for numerous facilitated conversations on working styles, areas of similarity and difference, strengths and weaknesses and ways of working together.  

The Goldcrest 7 Conditions of High Performing Teams diagnostic benchmarked the team’s current state and informed a flow of development activity to build collective capability and effectiveness.

The quality of the conversations and depth of the relationship between team members significantly improved following the profiling exercise. The team developed and agreed upon ways of working that put in place good habits from the start and accelerated their effectiveness.

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