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Profiling for Organisations

Discover how Goldcrest Partners is helping global financial services clients to reach their full potential, future-proof their businesses and allow their people to thrive.

The client was a global financial services firm, that recognised that its compliance function needed to elevate performance of second line responsibilities to establish more effective and consistent control, without compromising business enablement.

The engagement was to work with the global compliance function to support the changes required.  We established that the compliance function was disconnected from itself but highly embedded in the business. This contributed to inconsistent decision making.

Using a culture diagnostic model, the current state of the culture in compliance was determined, alongside an imagining process to establish what it needed to be, to allow effective performance of function.

This led to the design and delivery of a global roadshow which sought to strengthen the connection between the previously dispersed compliance teams, establish a common culture globally, and shift the centre of identity to where it belonged.

The work allowed the compliance leadership team to evidence the appropriate decision to change the culture, guided them towards the desired destination culture, and helped them put it into practice with good results.

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